What We Believe
We believe that God’s Word, given to us in the Bible, is the sole authority for mankind. It teaches us both what to believe and how to behave. A few of our Bible-based beliefs include:
⦿ in the Trinity of the Godhead. God exists as the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, all three-in-one.
⦿ in the Verbal, Plenary Inspiration of the Scriptures. God moved the writers to record His exact and complete Word – the Bible.
⦿ in the Depravity of Mankind. Mankind is sinful both by nature and by choice.
⦿ in God’s Sovereign Grace in Salvation. Sinners are saved through God’s undeserved favor, contributing nothing of their own.
⦿ in Justification by Faith. Salvation is only found through belief in Jesus Christ. No work of our own (like baptism or communion) contributes in the slightest.
⦿ in the Autonomy of the Local Church. A church is a congregation gathered to serve and worship their Savior. There is no “universal, invisible” church.
⦿ in Two Ordinances – the Lord’s Supper and Baptism by Immersion. These ordinance were given by God and we must observe them as Scripture commands.
⦿ in the Reality of Heaven and Hell. There is an eternal destination for every person. While we all deserve Hell, God’s work of salvation brings believers eternal life in Heaven.
⦿ in the Premillennial Return of Jesus Christ. Jesus promised He will return one day for His saints and that He will rule and reign in person on this earth for 1,000 years.
If you have additional questions or would like clarification, don’t hesitate to contact us!