Service at the Square!
Twice a year, in the Spring and Fall, the church schedules a Sunday morning to hold our worship service at the Square in downtown Washington. Along with friends, community members and vehicles passing around us, we sing praises to the Lord Jesus and declare the Gospel those who have gathered. Our goal is two-fold. First, we remember the Lord’s church is not a building, but a community of believers. Second, we use the opportunity for worship to be a witness.
Rescue Mission
The church volunteers at Peoria Rescue Mission on a rotating basis, serving food and organizing the evening chapel service for the mission’s residents. For more information about Peoria Rescue Mission, click here.
Ironworks Baptist Educational Ministries
Ironworks exists to offer continuing education opportunities to pastors and teachers through the use of online courses and weekend seminars. The goal is to provide structured non-credit educational opportunities for those interest in further study of Scripture. To learn more about Ironworks Baptist Educational Ministries, click here.